What is Cyber Insurance ?
What is Cyber Insurance? Cyber insurance is a type of insurance policy that protects businesses and organizations against the effects of a cyber attack. It is also referred to as cyber liability insurance and cyber […]
What is Cyber Insurance? Cyber insurance is a type of insurance policy that protects businesses and organizations against the effects of a cyber attack. It is also referred to as cyber liability insurance and cyber […]
The growth of the Internet, especially the mobile Internet, has spawned huge potential for criminals. Cyber crime usually involves some attempt to intimidate, steal, blackmail or otherwise extort money or information from individuals and organisations.
At its most basic, cyber security is about protecting people from cyber crime. Whether it is government, business, organisations or individuals, it is still about people. Cyber security is about understanding the different types of […]
A cyber security analyst is likely to have a broad range of responsibilities, depending on the size and scope of the organisation. In general, they will have responsibility for monitoring an organisations IT and network […]
The best entry-level jobs in cyber security tend to be those that are commonly referred to as some type of IT administrator, or similar position, such as manning a help desk. This is a very […]
Many people who work in the field of cyber security like jobs that give them the flexibility to work from home some of the time, and in the office for the rest of the week. […]
The job of a cyber security engineer is one of the more clearly defined ones within the overall orbit of cyber security jobs.. Allowing for this, there is still a lot of scope for different […]
An internship is normally an unpaid position within a company or organisation. It differs from voluntary work in that it is normally more structured and more focused, often with specific job responsibilities, outcomes and goals. […]
Training for any job is really important, partly to make sure that the person can do the job effectively, but also to give the person the confidence to be able to do it. Traditionally, formal […]
Unsurprisingly, one of the first things anyone looks for when looking for a job in cyber security is the salary. A quick search on Indeed for cyber security job will bring up approximately a dozen […]